The Korean Society for Journalism & Communication (KSJCS)
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Korean Journal of Journalism & Communication Studies - Vol. 62, No. 6, pp.167-194
ISSN: 2586-7369 (Online)
Print publication date 31 Dec 2018
Received 09 Oct 2018 Revised 30 Nov 2018 Accepted 03 Dec 2018

정신건강 증진을 위한 모바일 정신건강 앱 이용에 관한 연구 : 정보-동기-행동능력모델의적용

안순태** ; 이하나***
Use of Mobile Mental Health Application for Mental Health Promotion : Based on the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model
Soontae An** ; Hannah Lee***
**Professor, School of Communication and Media, Ewha Womans University
***Doctoral Student, School of Communication and, Media Ewha Womans University


건강관리에대한모바일앱의효과가확인되었지만, 정신건강앱이용의활성화요인을탐색한 연구는미흡하다. 한국사회의 높은 자살률과정신질환 증가율을 고려했을때, 모바일 앱은 정신건강 관리와 증진을 위한 효과적인 도구로 사용될 수 있다. 이에 본 연구는 정보-동기-행동능력 모델을 토대로 정신건강 앱 이용에 미치는 개인적, 사회 심리적 요인들이 무엇인지 조사하였다. 온라인으로 진행된조사에는총228명의성인남녀가참여하였다. 구조방정식모델을 이용한분석결과, 정신건강앱이용의도에대한정보요인(예, 정신건강지식)의직접효과 및 간접효과는유의미하지않았다. 반면, 정신건강앱이용에대한동기요인(예, 사회적지지, 주관적규범, 정신건강앱이용태도)의직접효과및간접효과가모두나타났다. 행동능력(예, 자기 효능감)은 동기와 앱 이용 의도 사이를 매개하였다. 또한, 본 연구는 정보-동기-행동 능력모델에문화적변인인정신과 상담/치료에대한태도를추가하였으며, 해당변인은 앱이용 의도에 부적인 영향력을 보여주었다. 본 연구의 결과는 정신건강 관리를 위한 모바일 앱 이용 및 정신건강중재방안으로서개인적, 사회적 동기의 촉진과 정신건강서비스에 대한 태도가 중요함을 지적한다.


Although the positive effects of mobile applications on health care have been well-documented, little is known about the factors affecting one’s intention for using a mental health application. Given the increasing prevalence of mental health illnesses and high suicide rates, mobile applications are a promising tool for prevention and treatment of mental illnesses in Korean society. The current study examined the cognitive and social psychological determinants of the mental health app use based on the information-motivation-behavioral skills model. A total of 228 men and women participated in the online survey. Structural equation modeling demonstrated that the information factor (ex. level of mental health knowledge) did not show direct or indirect effects on intention to use the mental health app. The motivation factor (ex. social support, subjective norm, and attitudes toward mental health app use), however, demonstrated both indirect and direct influences. Further, behavioral skill (ex. self-efficacy) played a mediating role between motivation and intention to use the app. Also, this study expanded the model by adding a cultural variable (ex. attitudes toward seeking professional help; ATSPH). Results revealed a significant negative relation between ATSPH and intention to use the app. The results of this study highlight the important role of mobile app for prevention and treatment of mental illnesses by promoting individual and social motivation for mental health intervention.


Mental Health Application, Social Stigma, Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model, Attitudes toward Seeking Professional Help, Mental Health Promotion


정신건강앱, 사회적낙인, 정보-동기-행동능력모델, 정신과상담/치료에대한태도, 정신건강증진




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