장애를 향한 미디어 재현의 배양 효과 : 낙인·반낙인 단서가 사회 속의 장애인 인식과 장애인을 향한 신념에 미치는 영향
이 연구는 장애를 향한 미디어 재현의 효과를 낙인·반낙인 단서와 배양 이론 중심으로 논의함으로써 실천적 대안을 모색해보고자 했다. 특히 장애를 향한 미디어 재현에서 기능적 손상을 경험하는 개인의 재현과 상호작용 과정에서 발생하는 부정적 결과의 재현을 구별해야 할 필요성에 주목하였다. 주요 논의를 종합하여, 미디어를 통해 재현된 낙인·반낙인 단서가 사회 구성원으로서의 장애인 인식과 장애인을 향한 신념에 미치는 영향을 실증적으로 분석하였다. 전국 거주 만 20세 이상 59세 이하 일반인 1,080명 대상으로 2(단서: 낙인 vs. 반낙인) x 2(자막-스크립트: 있음 vs. 없음) 집단 간 요인설계를 적용하였고, 통제집단을 추가하여 총 5개 집단으로 구분한 뒤 주요 변인을 조작한 실험 자극을 제시하였다. 연구 문제 및 가설 분석 결과, 낙인 단서에 노출된 집단은 사회 구성원으로서의 장애인과 장애인의 이동환경을 더 부정적으로 인식하였다. 반낙인 단서에 노출된 집단은 사회 구성원으로서의 장애인을 덜 부정적으로 인식하였고, 장애인의 이동환경은 긍정적으로 인식하였다. 사회 구성원으로서의 장애인을 향한 부정적 인식과 장애인 이동환경 인식은 장애인을 향한 신념(적대적 차별주의, 온정적 차별주의)에 유의미한 영향력을 발휘하였는데, 낙인 단서에 노출된 집단에서는 장애인의 이동환경을 긍정적으로 인식할수록 적대적 차별주의도 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 주요 결과를 종합하여, 장애를 향한 미디어 재현의 이론적·실천적 함의를 논의하였다.
The stigma on disability can serve as evidence that society is not functioning authentically, as it means a failure to achieve social integration among its members. Stigma is created through communication between social members and could bring about devaluation as social members within social or interpersonal relationships. This devaluation is initiated by the individual who marks and shares stigma cues, while the person being marked becomes the devaluation target. Media representation could influence the devaluation of disabled people as marked individuals when it conveys stigma cues about disability. Conversely, media could also convey challenge cues, which present appropriate ways to solve problems with the support of people aiding disabled individuals. It indicates a separation between the media representation of those with long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments and the media representation of the negative aspects of their social interactions. Simply put, the media could choose and convey stigma or challenge cues about disability when it represents disability. This study applies cultivation theory to examine the effects of stigma and challenge cues for disability. Specifically, it investigates the effects of stigma or challenge cues for disability on perceptions and beliefs about disabled people. Media representation can shape perceptions of the real world when individuals rely on media messages as cues or as sources of information about reality. Previous studies suggest this as the primary cultivation effect and also describe the secondary cultivation effect as the relationship between perceptions of reality and beliefs about a represented object. However, there is a research gap about the primary and secondary cultivation effects of media representation on disability. To fill this research gap, this study conducted an experiment to investigate the primary and secondary cultivation effects of media representations of disability, with a specific focus on stigma and challenge cues. Employing a 2 (stigma: stigma vs. challenge) by 2 (script: present vs. absent) between-groups factorial design, including a control group, the results revealed that participants exposed to stigma cues exhibited more negative perceptions of disabled individuals and the mobility environments they navigate compared to those exposed to challenge cues. The findings indicate that negative perceptions of disabled people (personal characteristics and adaptation to the social environment) increased beliefs about disabled people (hostile and benevolent discrimination). Perception of the mobility environment for disabled people, however, increased hostile discrimination while decreasing benevolent discrimination. Moreover, the effects of perceptions of the mobility environment for disabled people on hostile discrimination were significant only in the group exposed to stigma cues about disability. This study provides empirical evidence for the cultivation effects of media representation on disability. Further, it expands previous studies by confirming the primary and secondary cultivation effects of media representation of disability.
disability, stigma, cultivation theory, hostile discrimination, benevolent discrimination키워드:
장애, 낙인, 배양 이론, 적대적 차별주의, 온정적 차별주의Acknowledgments
This research was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), funded by the Ministry of Education. An earlier version of this manuscript was presented at the 2022 Regular Fall Conference of the Korean Society for Journalism and Communication Studies. We acknowledge the insightful suggestions of the discussants and reviewers and express our gratitude to Jeonggyun Ham for granting permission to use his videos as experimental stimuli(이 논문은 2021년 대한민국 교육부와 한국연구재단의 일반공동연구지원 사업 지원을 받아 수행된 연구로, 한국언론학회 2022년 가을철 정기학술대회 한국언론진흥재단 후원 세션에서 발표된 바 있습니다. 발전된 논문이 될 수 있도록 조언해주셨던 토론자 선생님들과 심사위원분들, 그리고 실험 자극 사용을 허락해주신 함정균님에게 깊이 감사드립니다)[NRF-2021S1A5A2A03071728].
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