언론 보도에 나타난 가짜뉴스 담론의 속성과 사회적 실천 방향
이 연구는 언론 보도에서 다루는 가짜뉴스 사례를 통해 우리 사회의 가짜뉴스 속성을 파악하고, 가짜뉴스에 관한 담론이 각 행위자들에 의해 어떻게 형성되는지를 알아보고자 했다. 또한 가짜뉴스에 관한 담론에 따라 사회적 실천 논의가 어떻게 달라질 수 있는지를 살펴보았다. 이 연구의 언론 보도에서 나타난 가짜뉴스 이슈는 주로 정치영역의 소재였고, 각 언론사들은 공통적으로 가짜뉴스를 심각하게 인식했다. 가짜뉴스 낙인은 공적 사안에 관한 의혹 제기를 가짜뉴스로 규정하며 논의를 회피하도록 했다. 그리고 맥락적 담론보다 부분적 사실 오류에 매몰되도록 했고, 갈등 상황에서 상대측 해석을 사실 논쟁으로 접근하며 가짜뉴스로 낙인찍었다. 또한 추정과 논리적 비약이 클 수밖에 없는 온라인 이용자의 담론 특성을 간과하고 있었다. 그 결과 정치 담론의 구조는 담론의 취지와 맥락적 타당성을 제대로 논하지 못한 채 사실 여부에 대한 시비로 흘렀다. 언론사의 보도 담론은 정치 권력, 언론사, 사회적 맥락이 상호 관계를 통해 영향을 미치고 있었다. 정치 권력과 언론이 협력적으로 담론을 형성하면 가짜뉴스 담론은 규제에 초점이 모아졌지만, 언론이 사회 맥락적 차원에서 외부 전문가와 정치 이데올로기가 접합할 때 규제보다는 표현의 자유가 더 중시되었다.
The study sought to identify the fake news properties of our society through fake news discourse covered by media, and to find out how discourse on fake news is formed by each actor through a critical discourse analysis method. It also looked at how the discussion of social practice could be changed depending on the discourse about fake news. The case of fake news presented in the media coverage of this study mainly involved subjects of the political sphere. In Korean society, the concept of fake news mainly referred to political falsehoods circulating socially, unlike the misinformation of the mainstream media as insisted upon by U.S. President Trump. All news outlets, in common, have taken the fake news issue seriously. Media reports were concerned about the possible damage and loss of image that fake news could place upon the victim, causing social confusion and distortion of public opinion. Political power evaluated its position on fake news or related issues according to the political camp's advantages and disadvantages, rather than addressing ideal norms such as truth-seeking or freedom of expression on the fake news issue. In particular, the ruling party and government agencies, which have political power, constantly criticized fake news and urged related agencies to take strong action. The opposition party also chose to take legal action when there was unfavorable fake news. However, the cases of fake news stigma and attacks introduced in the media reports were controversial in many respects. The stigma of fake news regarded suspicions on public affairs as fake news and was used as a means of avoiding responsibility by the parties. Further, it allowed them to be buried in partial factual errors rather than contextual discourse, and replaced the other side's interpretation with factual arguments rather than taking a communicative approach in the conflict situation, stigmatizing the issue as fake news. It also overlooked the discourse characteristics of online users, whose presumptions and logical leaps were large. As a result, the structure of political discourse flowed into a dispute over whether it was true or not without properly discussing the purpose and contextual validity of the discourse. Meanwhile, the media discourse was influenced by political power, the news media, and social contexts through mutual relations. When political power and the media collaboratively formed discourse, the fake news discourse was related to the interests of the political camp. While these media emphasized solutions such as legal regulation and media literacy, they revealed a double standard of advocating for freedom of expression when fake news discourse was politically disadvantageous. On the other hand, when the media integrated external experts and political ideologies at the social context level, the news media had various discussions on fake news discourse, and freedom of expression was more important than legal regulation.
fake news, fake news discourse, freedom of expression, critical discourse analysis키워드:
가짜뉴스, 가짜뉴스 담론, 표현의 자유, 비판적 담론 분석Acknowledgments
This study was supported by Grant from the KSJCS Research Program <Future Media Research Initiative 2019>.
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