언론의 정치 성향에 따른 기업 보도 태도의 차이와 기업인 경기평가 심리에 미치는 영향 분석 : BERT 기반 딥러닝 모형을 적용한 빅데이터 분석
본 연구는 기업 관련 기사 154,876건을 수집해 기사별 보도 태도(긍정-부정)를 BERT 기반 딥러닝 모형으로 측정하고, 구성 의제, 언론사 정치 성향, 정부의 정치 성향 등에 따른 차이를 비교 분석했다. 추가로 기업 보도와 기업인의 경기 평가 심리 사이의 영향 관계도 시계열 분석으로 검증해 보았다. 토픽 모델링 분석 결과, 기업 보도는 상품-판매, 경제-정책, 기술-신제품, 투자-사업, 경영-지분, 인사-채용, 의혹-수사 등 7가지 차원으로 구성되는 것으로 나타났다. 기업 보도의 태도 지수 평균은 분석된 모든 언론사에서 0.5(0에 가까울수록 부정적, 1에 가까울수록 긍정적)를 웃돌 정도로 긍정적 보도가 많았다. 이 가운데에도 신문사들이 방송사들에 비해, 보수 언론이 진보 언론에 비해 더욱 친기업적 보도 경향을 나타냈으며, 기업의 불법 행위에 대한 의혹-수사 관련 보도에서도 보수 언론이 진보 언론에 비해 덜 비판적인 것으로 분석됐다. 기업 보도는 보수 성향인 박근혜 정부 때보다 진보 성향인 문재인 정부 시기에 더 긍정적인 것으로 드러났다. 또한, 기업 보도와 기업인의 경기 평가 심리 간에는 다양한 영향 관계가 나타났다. 기술-신제품과 의혹-수사 토픽에서 기업 보도가 기업인 심리에 영향을 미쳤으며, 상품-판매, 경영-지분, 인사-채용 토픽에서는 반대로 기업인 심리가 기업 보도에 영향을 미쳤다. 이와 같은 상호작용은 진보 언론보다 보수 언론에서, 중소기업보다 대기업에서 더 많이 유의미하게 나타났다. 바람직한 기업 보도를 위해서는 진보 언론의 목소리와 중소기업에 관한 관심이 강화돼야 하겠다.
This study collected 154,876 corporate news articles and measured their positive or negative attitude using a BERT-based deep-learning model. The attitude scores were then compared among various factors such as topics, media’s political orientation, and government's political orientation. Additionally, this study analyzed the relationship between corporate news attitude and businessmen’s economic evaluation.
First of all, topic modeling analysis revealed that corporate reporting was comprised of 7 dimensions: product-sales, economy-policy, technology-new product, investment-business, management-share, personnel-employment, and suspicion-investigation. These dimensions encompass most activities of corporations and demonstrate the suitability of this classification for corporate news analysis.
Furthermore, the research team developed a training dataset (n = 3,198) for positive-negative classification based on the YTN and Yonhap Infomax’s corporate news. After the team trained a BERT-based deep-learning model several times, the final model showed an accuracy rate of 94.69%.
This model measured the attitude of every corporate news article and showed that the majority of the news coverage was generally positive. Nearly two-thirds (62.64%) were classified as positive, and the average attitude scores of analyzed news media were higher than 0.5 (closer to 0 is negative, and closer to 1 is positive). It implies that the trend of market-driven journalism has been strengthened as the number of news media increases and their competition intensifies.
Additionally, there was a significant difference in the attitude of corporate news between conservative and progressive media. Conservative media showed more positive coverage of companies than progressive media. Even in the news on corporate scandals and investigations, conservative media were less critical than progressive media. According to previous research, there is a claim that pro-business bias is a main discourse strategy for conservative groups. Since the 1990s, neo-liberalism has been accepted as an important value in our society, and competition and deregulation have been highly valued. Economically, businesses in their pursuit of freedom and profits should be positively considered with the expectation of the trickle-down effects. On the other hand, progressive groups have emphasized government’s intervention to decrease economic polarization and have been critical of businesses. Nowadays conservative and progressive media also maintain these different perspectives and make significant differences in their corporate news.
The relationship between corporate news attitudes and businessmen’s economic evaluation has shown various results. Corporate news affected the businessmen’s economic evaluation in the topics of technology-new products and suspicion-investigation while it was vice versa in the topics of product-sales, management-share, and personnel-employment. Such inter-relationship was more significant in conservative media than progressive media and in large companies rather than small companies. To improve corporate news coverage, the voice of progressive media needs to increase and there should be more interest in small companies.
Economic Journalism, Corporate News, Political Orientation, BERT Deep-Learning, Granger Causality키워드:
경제 저널리즘, 기업 보도, 정치 성향, BERT 딥러닝, 그랜저 인과관계References
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