한국 언론의 저널리즘 가치 연구 : 한국기자상 50년의 심사평을 중심으로
본 연구는 ‘좋은 저널리즘’에 대한 논의의 토대를 마련하기 위해 그간 한국 언론에서 지향해왔던 저널리즘 가치를 밝혀보고자 했다. 이에 한국기자협회에서 시상하는 한국기자상을 대상으로 1967년부터 50년 동안 선정된 수상작에 대한 심사평을 분석했다. 한국기자상은 한해동안 가장 뛰어난 뉴스에 부여되는 상으로 기자들이 어떤 뉴스를 바람직한 보도로 평가하는지 그 기준을 제시해준다. 심사평에 대한 텍스트 분석 결과, 주요 뉴스가치는 영향성, 탐사성, 새로움, 시의성, 심층성, 근접성, 전문성 등으로 나타났으며 시기별로 변화 양상을 보였다. 영향성은 대체로 늘 중요하게 여겨지는 뉴스가치였으나 새로움의 경우에는 과거사에 대한 재논의가 이루어지는 시기, 미디어 환경이 변화하는 시기에 좀 더 부각되었다. 한국기자들이 추구한 저널리즘 가치는 사회변화주도, 권력감시, 기자정신, 역사적 진실추구, 사회정의, 사회적 약자 보호 등이었다. 특히 이 중에서도 사회변화주도가 중요한 저널리즘 가치로 나타났으며, 좋은 보도로 높게 평가된 뉴스들은 각각의 주제는 다를지라도 사회적 변화를 견인해냈다는 점에서 공통점을 지녔다. 또 시대별 변화도 나타났는데 기자정신이 강조된 초기와 달리, 점차 최근으로 올수록 뉴스의 사회적 역할이 강조되면서 사회구조적 관점에서 뉴스를 생산해야 한다는 인식이 강해졌다.
This study set out to identify the journalism values that the Korean media has been following in order to provide the groundwork for discussions on "good journalism" at a time when the crisis of journalism is escalating. In this study, the evaluation reviews of the works that won awards for the 50 years starting in 1967 at the Korean Journalists Award given by the Korean Journalists Association were assessed. The benchmark for what news reporters consider to be admirable reporting is set by the Korean Journalist Award, which is given to the best news of the year. In order to code the news values and the journalism values, the analysis was done by extracting the lines from the reviews that included the evaluation criteria. The text analysis of the evaluation reviews revealed that influence, exploration, novelty, timeliness, depth, proximity, and expertise were the primary news values. These news values had a tendency to change over time. Influence has generally been regarded as a crucial news value throughout history, but in the case of novelty, it was particularly highlighted at the time when the re-discussion of past events was getting active and when the media environment started to exhibit apparent changes. The findings also demonstrated that leadership in social transformation, power monitoring, journalistic spirit, historicism, social justice, and protection of social minorities were among the journalism principles pursued by Korean journalists. In particular, social change leadership appeared to be an important journalism value, and while the subjects of each news may vary, the fact that the news highly regarded as a good reporting were those that drove social changes remained intact. Additionally, there have been shifts in the standards of journalism over time. In contrast to earlier times when individual journalism was heavily emphasized, recent years have seen a substantial increase in the significance of news's societal role. As a result, more people are aware that news should be produced from a social structural perspective. This study has demonstrated that good news is news that monitors power, defends the socially outcast, and helps to improve society by exercising good influence. To this end, while individual journalists' abilities, such as courage, persistence, and healthy values are of high importance, it is crucial above all that news organizations work to create values and a culture that concern the role of media to care for today and seek for tomorrow of a healthy social community before prioritizing chasing the profit.
Journalism Value, News Value, Korean Press, Korean Journalist Awards, Good News키워드:
저널리즘 가치, 뉴스 가치, 한국 언론, 한국기자상, 좋은 언론, 좋은 뉴스Acknowledgments
This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2022S1A5A2A01043011)(이 논문 또는 저서는 2022년 대한민국 교육부와 한국연구재단의 인문사회분야 중견연구자지원사업의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(NRF-2022S1A5A2A01043011)).
This research was supported by Hallym University Research Fund, 2023 (HRF-2023O4-009)(이 논문(저서)은 2023년도 한림대학교 교비연구비(HRF-2023O4-009)에 의하여 연구되었음).
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