The Korean Society for Journalism & Communication (KSJCS)
[ Article ]
Korean Journal of Journalism & Communication Studies - Vol. 67, No. 6, pp.5-41
ISSN: 2586-7369 (Online)
Print publication date 31 Dec 2023
Received 10 Oct 2023 Accepted 22 Nov 2023 Revised 27 Nov 2023

미디어 이용 중재에 대한 어머니의 자기 인식과 평가 : 초등학생 가정을 중심으로 한 질적 탐색

정윤경** ; 오연주*** ; 김경희****
**순천향대학교 미디어커뮤니케이션학과 교수
***한국지능정보사회진흥원 책임연구원
****한림대학교 미디어스쿨 교수
Mother’s Self-awareness and Assessment of Media Mediation : A Qualitative Study Focused on Elementary School Families
Yoon Kyung Chung** ; Yeon Ju Oh*** ; Kyung-Hee Kim****
**Professor, Media Communication, Soonchunhyang University, first author
***Principal Manager, National Information Society Agency
****Professor, The Media School, Hallym University, corresponding author


본 연구에서는 미디어 이용 중재의 주체인 부모가 자녀의 미디어 이용 중재에 대한 스스로의 역할을 성찰하고 개인화된 미디어 이용 환경에 필요한 중재 방식을 찾아가는 과정을 탐색해 보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 부모가 자녀의 미디어 이용 중재 방식을 일정 기간 관찰한 후 미디어 이용 중재 방식을 스스로 성찰하게 하는 소셜리빙랩 방법을 활용했다. 연구 결과, 초등학생 자녀를 둔 가정에서는 제한적 중재방식이 주로 활용됐는데, 제한적 중재가 전면적 미디어 차단으로 전개되어 과거보다 권위주의적, 통제적 부모 중재가 이루어지고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 자녀들의 미디어 이용을 관찰한 이후 부모들은 어린이 대상 콘텐츠에 나오는 표현의 수위와 광고의 선정성 및 폭력성이 초등학생에게 적절하지 않다는 인식을 공유함으로써 그동안 실천해 온 제한적 이용 중재의 한계를 알게 됐다. 또 이용 경험을 공유하고 자녀와의 대화를 통한 미디어 중재방식의 중요성도 깨달았다. 이와 함께 알고리즘에 의한 비자발적 노출이 빈번해진 현재의 미디어 환경에서는 자율성-지지적 중재가 더 유용하다는 점도 알게 됐다. 이러한 결과는 미디어 환경 변화와 이용 중재 방식에 대한 부모 대상 교육의 필요성을 보여준다.


The media environment is changing rapidly, posing challenges for parents in staying abreast of the latest developments and raising concerns about the potential negative effects of media material. Moreover, with media exposure starting in infancy and early childhood, parental intervention in media usage has become increasingly crucial compared to previous times. In this context, this study aims to the characteristics of children's media consumption and parental intervention in households with children attending elementary school. It also attempts to explore the factors that lead parents to use specific forms of mediation and the ways in which they evaluate the effectiveness of these mediations. The study also examines how parents who have observed and experienced their children's media use evaluate existing types of mediation and explore which mediation is appropriate for today's media landscape. To accomplish this, the study employed a social living lab methodology in which parents observed their children's media use over a period of time and subsequently analyzed their own methods of guiding and moderating such usgage. The study found that restrictive mediation was most prevalent in families with elementary school-aged children, and that restrictive mediation took the form of completely blocking access to media, suggesting that parental mediation is becoming more authoritarian and controlling than in the past. After observing their children's media use, parents recognized the limitations of their previous restrictive mediation and shared their perceptions that the level of language in children's content and the sensationalism and violence of advertising were inappropriate for elementary school children. In addition, they recognized the significance of media literacy through shared experiences and dialogue with their children. Furthermore, they highlighted the importance of autonomy-supportive mediation, particularly in the current media landscape where involuntary exposure to recommendation algorithms is prevalent. This study has significant implications for future research and policy on the mediation of media use. Subsequent studies should prioritize examining the evolving and expanding nature of restrictive mediation in light of the changing digital media environment, as well as strategies for mitigating the impact of media in the context of declining co-viewing. It should also consider the negative consequences of focusing on restrictive parental mediation in media use. Ministries formulating media-related policies have conducted their own research on the impact of parental mediation on children's media use, but have failed to formulate policy recommendations commensurate with the findings. This is probably due to the limited access to education and awareness programs for parents, as opposed to children who can be reached through schools. This is reflected in the fact that most policy initiatives for parents consist of one-off training sessions or the production and dissemination of parenting guides. There is a need to support research that improves our understanding of children's and parents' media use and mediation, and to translate findings into systematic policy recommendations.


Media Mediation, Parental Media Guidance, Elementary School Children, Restrictive Mediation, Autonomy-supportive Mediation


미디어 이용 중재, 부모 이용 중재, 초등학생, 제한적 이용 중재, 자율성-지지적 이용 중재


This study is based on the data of the National Center for the Rights of the Child(NCRC)'s 2022 Child Policy Impact Assessment on Broadcast Contents Review Policy(이 논문은 아동권리보장원 <2022년 아동정책영향평가 방송콘텐츠 심의정책 전문영향평가>보고서의 데이터를 재분석하여 작성한 것임).


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