이기지 않아도 재미있다 : 부모-자녀 게임 플레이의 사회성과 행위성, 그리고 분투형 플레이
이 글은 부모-자녀가 함께 플레이하는 행위가 다른 사회집단 구성원(들)과 함께 하는 행위와는 다르게 이뤄진다는 데 주목하고, 그것이 왜 시작되고, 어떤 양상을 띠며, 부모-자녀에게 어떻게 받아들여지는지 밝히고자 한다. 이를 위해 먼저 기존 논의들이 부모-자녀 게임 플레이 자체를 분석하기에 적절하지 않거나 제한적임을 지적하고, 새로운 분석틀(사회적 플레이, 행위성)을 차용한다. 그리고 5쌍의 부모-자녀 플레이어를 대상으로 인터뷰를 실시한다. 인터뷰를 주된 연구방법으로 사용하면서도 콘텍스트적 연구를 지향함으로써, 수용에 중점을 두되 부모-자녀 게임 플레이의 안과 밖을 함께 살피려 한다. 연구결과 논의에 있어서는 사회적 플레이와 행위성 개념을 동원하되, 보다 입체적인 분석을 위해 여러 학자들에 의해 고안된 개념들, 그리고 다른 자료들을 통해 제시된 관련논의도 함께 활용한다. 이를 통해 부모-자녀의 게임 플레이가 보이는 여러 양상들을 드러내고, 부모-자녀가 어쩌다 게임세계로 함께 진입하게 되는지, 플레이 과정이 부모-자녀에게 어떤 영향을 미치는지, 혼자 하거나 다른 사회집단 구성원(들)과 함께 하는 플레이와는 무엇이 다른지, 플레이어로서 부모-자녀는 서로를 어떻게 이해하고 받아들이는지 짚어본다. 그리고 마지막으로, 앞선 과정들을 토대로 부모-자녀 게임 플레이가 갖는 의미를 종합적으로 논의한다.
This article emphasizes that the co-playing of parents-children is distinct from that of other social group members, and strives to clarify why it begins, what structure it takes, and how it is accepted by parents-children. In order to achieve this objective, this study points out that current discourses are inadequate or restricted when it comes to examining the dynamics of parent-child game play. Therefore, a novel analytical framework that focuses on social play and agency was proposed. Additionally, interviews with five sets of parent-child players were conducted. Employing interviews as the primary study methodology and striving for contextual investigation, this study endeavors to examine both the internal and external aspects of parent-child game play simultaneously. The study incorporates concepts developed by different scholars and explore similar issues offered in other sources to conduct a more comprehensive analysis. This study explores different facets of parent-child gameplay, investigating the ways in which parents and children engage in the game world together, how the act of playing influences their relationship, how it differs from playing alone or with other members of social groups, and how parents and children perceive and embrace each other as players. Finally, based on the previous processes, the meaning of parent-child game play is comprehensively discussed. The primary discoveries are as follows. First, parents and children, who share a deep bond outside of the game, temporarily detach from their current connection while engaging in the game together and establish a fresh relationship. As various forms of communication take place intricately during the process, the two entities establish a relationship characterized by fluid movement between the inside and external boundaries of the magic circle. The game play occurs within a social framework that assigns new meanings to acts, and this framework alters the significance of actions within the game. Second, plays that focus on accomplishments are frequently enacted by parents and their children. However, the appearance of the element may vary depending on whether the competition is structured as a system or between individuals. In the case of parent-child players, rivalry or cooperation with other players serves as a mechanism to achieve victory in the system. The family community structure plays a role in intervening in play to some extent. In the latter scenario, achieving victory over an adversary is a fundamental objective, thereby significantly reducing the effectiveness or potentially rendering ineffective the family community system. Cooperative play is more commonly observed in parent-child interactions than achievement-oriented play. The parent-child play enables participants to establish their own objectives independently of competing with one another, obligatory objectives, and introduces adaptability to the existing gameplay. By engaging in cooperative play, parents and children assume increasingly prominent roles. Most importantly, parent-child play fosters an environment that facilitates the occurrence of ambitious play. In scenarios involving numerous parents and children, the primary objective of play is the act of playing itself. The goals and outcomes designated by the system lose their significance, and the emphasis shifts towards goals that may have been trivial initially.
Co-playing of Parents-children, Social Play, Metagame, Agency, Striving Play키워드:
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