The Korean Society for Journalism & Communication (KSJCS)
[ Article ]
Korean Journal of Journalism & Communication Studies - Vol. 68, No. 1, pp.231-268
ISSN: 2586-7369 (Online)
Print publication date 29 Feb 2024
Received 09 Aug 2023 Accepted 29 Jan 2024 Revised 30 Jan 2024

이용자가 본 종이신문 : 진단과 제언

**부경대학교 미디어커뮤니케이션학부 조교수
Newspapers in the Eyes of Users : Analysis and Suggestions
So-Eun Lee**
**Assistant Professor, Pukyong National University


이 글은 종이신문에 대한 이용자의 인식과 의견을 다뤘다. 종이신문은 생활 속에서 자연스럽게 접하고 이용의 관습이 존재하는 미디어라는 점에서 체험적 성격을 가진다. 이용자들이 본 종이신문의 가장 큰 효용은 선별된 종합, 심층 정보로서 기사의 품질이며, 한눈에 들어오는 편집과 규격화된 형식은 이용자들이 느끼는 종이신문의 효용을 높여준다. 다만, 이러한 효용은 인터넷뉴스와 비교할 때 평가되는 상대적 효용으로서 제한된 의미를 지녔다. 종이신문의 가치로는 매일의 습관과 흐름이 주요하게 언급됐다. 신문읽기는 나에게 집중하는 힐링의 시간으로서 의미를 갖고 정보가 정기적으로 도착하기 때문에 흐름을 파악할 수 있다는 점에서 높이 평가된다. 한국 언론의 병폐로 지적되어 온 정파성이 신문의 장점이자 매력으로 인식된다는 점도 주목할 만하다. 종이신문 서비스를 고도화하는 방안에 대해서는 이용자들의 인식이 다양하게 갈렸다. 이는 종이신문의 기존 관습과 변화 가치 사이에 괴리가 있음을 보여준다. 언론사들이 이용자 유지 및 확보를 위한 미래 전략 수립 과정에서 서로 충돌되는 가치 중 무엇을 택할지를 판단할 필요가 있다. 이용자 진술을 바탕으로 이 글은 종이신문이 정보 가치를 넘어 개인적, 경험적 가치를 지님을 강조하고 종이신문의 미래를 위한 제언을 논의했다.


This article explores readers' perceptions and opinions regarding newspapers. Despite the prevailing discourse of a newspaper crisis due to declining readership, print newspaper subscriptions still serve as the basis for government advertising expenditure, sustaining the business structure of media outlets. In terms of news production, the entrenched practices of 'print norms' within the media industry indicate the influence of newspapers in shaping labor and production conventions. Despite its significance, the use of newspapers has not received considerable attention. This study addresses the gap in understanding the ongoing value and meaning of print newspapers by exploring reader perspectives. Focus group interviews are conducted with current subscribers, individuals without prior newspaper engagement, and lapsed readers, providing a comprehensive understanding of diverse user experiences. Fifty-four people participated in the interviews, categorized into groups based on age and newspaper usage type. The comprehensive analysis of their statements revealed that newspapers, as a form of media encountered naturally in daily life, possess an experiential nature due to established usage customs and techniques. The primary value readers find in printed newspapers lies in the quality of meticulously selected and in-depth articles, with their easily digestible formatting and standardized layouts enhancing their utility. However, these values have a limited significance as they are relative when evaluated in comparison to Internet news. Reading newspapers is valued not only for the informative content but also as a healing opportunity for self-reflection and the ability to stay attuned to regularly arriving information. Daily routines and consistent habits emerged as key factors. Notably, the partisanship that has been criticized in the Korean media is perceived as an advantage and appeal of newspapers, driven by users’ sense of efficacy in interpreting and digesting partisan information. Diverse opinions emerged regarding ways to enhance newspaper services, highlighting a discrepancy between established newspaper practices and the potential for transformative value. The findings have three implications. Firstly, newspaper readers do not necessarily seek faster, more interactive information from newspapers compared to Internet news; instead, they demand more ‘classic’ values such as selectivity, depth, reliability, and the power of editorial and layout. Secondly, users perceive newspapers as a ‘medium of life’ that provides personal and experiential value beyond informational value. Habit, life, time, pleasure, romance, and healing are among the frequently mentioned values associated with newspapers. Thirdly, regarding the future strategies, readers’ expectations of 'newspaperness' varied. To shape the future of newspapers, each media organization needs to develop the core identity of newspapers. Responding to the challenges facing newspapers, this article proposes a three-pronged strategy for overcoming the "newspaper crisis": (1) comprehensive planning and branding that encompasses the entire news ecosystem, (2) the introduction of innovative design concepts, and (3) the cultivation of a customer-centric management mindset. Successful implementation hinges on a deep understanding of reader needs, as emphasized throughout this article. This work aims to serve as a springboard for further discussion and exploration of the evolving role of newspapers in the media landscape.


Newspapers, Readers’ Perceptions, Experiential Nature, Focus Group Interview


종이신문, 이용자, 독자 인식, 체험, 초점집단인터뷰


This research is based on the report ‘Speaking of Newspapers’ conducted by the Korea Press Foundation, in which the author participated(본 논문은 저자가 연구에 참여한 한국언론진흥재단 2021년 조사분석서 《2021 신문을 말하다》의 일부를 수정, 보완한 것임).


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