The Korean Society for Journalism & Communication Studies (KSJCS)
[ Article ]
Korean Journal of Journalism & Communication Studies - Vol. 68, No. 4, pp.75-118
ISSN: 2586-7369 (Online)
Print publication date 31 Aug 2024
Received 05 Apr 2024 Accepted 29 Jul 2024 Revised 31 Jul 2024

인공지능 이슈에 대한 뉴스 프레임이 이용자의 정서와 행동 의향에 미치는 영향

장미경** ; 민영***
**고려대학교 일반대학원 과학기술학협동과정 과학언론학 박사
***고려대학교 미디어학부 교수
Effects of News Framing of Artificial Intelligence Issues on Users’ Emotions and Behavioral Intentions
Mikyung Chang** ; Young Min***
**Ph.D., Department of Science and Technology Studies, Graduate School, Korea University
***Professor, School of Media & Communication, Korea University


이 연구는 글로벌 이슈로 주목받는 인공지능(AI) 기술 관련 언론 보도 프레임의 특성과 효과를 탐색했다. 이를 위해 <연구 1>은 ‘가치’와 ‘귀인(인간의 AI 통제 가능성)’을 기준으로 국내 언론의 AI 관련 보도 프레임을 분석했으며, <연구 2>는 이 결과를 토대로 2×2 집단 간 요인설계의 온라인 실험을 진행하여 보도 프레임이 이용자의 정서와 행동 의향에 미치는 영향을 분석했다. 주요 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 국내 언론은 AI 이슈에 대해 사회 발전과 혜택에 주안점을 둔 ‘발전 가치’ 프레임을 더 많이 활용했고, AI 기술에 대한 인간의 통제 가능성을 강조하는 프레임을 구성했다. 둘째, AI 관련 보도 프레임은 차별화된 정서를 유발했는데, ‘발전 가치’ 프레임은 ‘희망’과 ‘긍지’를, ‘위기 가치’ 프레임은 ‘분노’를 불러왔다. 셋째, 보도 프레임이 유발한 정서는 다양한 행동 의향으로 이어졌다. 구체적으로, ‘희망’과 ‘긍지’는 ‘정보탐색’ 행동 의향을, ‘분노’는 ‘비판’ 행동 의향을 유발하는 데 유의미한 영향을 미쳤다. 넷째, 행동 의향에 대한 언론 프레임 효과에서 정서가 유의미한 매개 역할을 할 수 있음을 확인했다. 이 연구는 과학 커뮤니케이션 현상 연구에서 프레이밍 이론의 적절성을 제시했으며, 다중연구방법을 통해 AI 보도의 특성과 효과를 정밀하게 탐색하는 데에 기여했다.


The purpose of this study is to identify social and policy implications by exploring the characteristics and effects of news frames related to artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, which have emerged as a global issue. To achieve this goal, <Study 1> conducted manual and computer-assisted content analyses of the AI-related news frames of major domestic news outlets in terms of value frames (progress versus crisis) and attributional frames (high versus low controllability). In <Study 2>, an online survey experiment was conducted using a 2×2 factorial design to explore the effects of news framing on users’ emotions and behavioral intentions.

The key findings are as follows. First, the news media tended to use the ‘progress value’ frames more frequently than the ‘crisis value’ frames, focusing on the social developments and benefits AI technologies could bring. In terms of controllability, the news media more often emphasized sufficient levels of human control over the technologies. Second, the news frames related to AI technologies elicited differentiated emotional responses; progress value frames evoked positive emotions such as hope and pride, whereas crisis value frames strengthened negative emotions such as anger. The controllability frames did not significantly moderate the effects of value frames on emotions.

Third, the emotions elicited by news frames were further associated with various behavioral intentions. Specifically, the emotions of hope and pride enhanced the intention to engage in information-seeking activities to acquire AI-related knowledge and information. The feeling of anger, on the contrary, significantly strengthened users’ intention for critical activities to express their opinion on the side effects of AI technologies, urging the attention of the media, government, and academia. Additionally, when users felt anger, their intention to engage in information-seeking behavior decreases while their intention to avoid or reject the use of AI products and services increases. Fourth, it was consequently confirmed that emotions significantly mediated the relationship between news frames and behavioral intentions, demonstrating that how individuals feel about AI news affects their subsequent actions.

The combination of content analysis and experimental design enhanced the study’s validity and reliability, providing a comprehensive understanding of how news framing influences the public’s emotional responses and behavior regarding AI. The study underscores the importance of emotions in the acceptance of new technologies and validates the use of framing theory in science communication research to explore and understand public discourse and reactions to critical science issues. This study also highlights the need for balanced media coverage and the creation of public forums for discussion and policy development concerning new technologies. Overall, the study calls for greater attention to emotional responses in technology acceptance and the need for responsible media practices to foster informed public discourse on AI.


Artificial Intelligence (AI), Value Frames, Attributional Frames, Emotions, Science Communication


인공지능(AI), 가치 프레임, 귀인 프레임, 정서, 과학 커뮤니케이션


This manuscript was modified from the first author’s unpublished doctoral dissertation at the Department of Science and Technology Studies, Graduate School of Korea University (February 2024)(이 연구는 제1저자의 고려대학교 일반대학원 과학기술학협동과정(과학언론학 전공) 박사학위논문(2024년 2월)을 기반으로 수정된 논문입니다).


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