일인 가구에 대한 타자·당사자의 시선과 여론의 형성 : 영상 및 댓글 담론에 대한 내용분석과 텍스트 마이닝을 중심으로
본 연구는 유튜브에 업로드된 1인 가구 관련 영상과 댓글을 분석하여, 미디어 콘텐츠에서 나타나는 1인 가구에 대한 시각 차이가 여론 형성에 미치는 영향을 살펴보았다. 연구 대상으로 선정된 192개의 영상과 82,756개의 댓글을 바탕으로, 콘텐츠 제작자의 관점에 따른 주제 담론의 차이를 분석했다. 바이텀 토픽 모델링과 내용분석 방법을 활용하여 당사자와 타자의 시각이 어떻게 서로 다른 담론을 형성하는지를 규명하였다. 연구 결과, 당사자의 시각은 주로 일상 공유와 자발적 1인 가구 담론에 집중되었고, 타자의 시각은 정책적 접근과 사회적 불안에 대한 담론이 두드러졌다. 이러한 차이는 1인 가구를 바라보는 시각 차이가 여론 형성에 실질적인 영향을 미치며, 정책 결정 과정에도 영향을 줄 수 있음을 시사한다.
This study examines how media representations of single-person households influence public opinion formation, focusing on the contrasting perspectives of insiders (those directly experiencing single-person household life) and outsiders (those observing and interpreting from an external standpoint). By analyzing 192 YouTube videos and 82,756 comments, the research explores thematic differences in discourse and their impact on public perceptions. Using a mixed-methods approach that combines byterm topic modeling and qualitative content analysis, this study investigates the interplay between media narratives and audience reactions. The findings reveal significant differences between insider and outsider perspectives. Insider-created content predominantly highlights everyday experiences and the voluntary nature of single-person households, emphasizing personal autonomy, emotional connection, and the creation of community through shared experiences. Comments on these videos often reflect emotional resonance and personal identification, clustering around themes such as “voluntary single-person households” and “solidarity and communication.” These narratives not only normalize single-person households but also construct a positive image of autonomy and resilience. In contrast, outsider-produced content tends to frame single-person households as a social issue, focusing on structural concerns such as economic vulnerability, social isolation, and the need for policy interventions. Comments on these videos frequently engage with these macro-level topics, forming clusters around themes such as “policy implications,” “marriage avoidance,” and “economic instability.” This divergence underscores how outsider perspectives often position single-person households as subjects of societal analysis rather than as agents of individual autonomy, emphasizing the challenges they pose within traditional family norms and social structures. While both perspectives intersect on issues like housing instability and economic hardship, their framing differs. Insiders address these challenges through personal narratives and coping strategies, whereas outsiders approach them with structural explanations and policy recommendations. These distinct frames reflect broader dynamics in how media and audiences engage with single-person households, revealing a tension between individual autonomy and societal expectations. This study contributes to the field by integrating computational modeling with content analysis, offering a nuanced understanding of how media narratives shape public opinion on single-person households. Insider narratives foster emotional engagement and solidarity, encouraging discourse centered on shared experiences and relational connections. Conversely, outsider narratives emphasize structural critiques and policy-oriented discussions, driving macro-level public opinion formation. The duality of these perspectives suggests that media representation plays a critical role in framing single-person households as both personal experiences and societal phenomena. The findings underscore the dual dynamics of media representation in shaping public discourse, illustrating how personal and structural narratives coexist and interact. These results have broader implications for understanding how media can construct alternative public spheres that address both individual and societal concerns. Future research should explore the intersectionality of demographic factors such as gender, age, and socioeconomic status in shaping media and public discourses on single-person households. Additionally, longitudinal studies could investigate how evolving societal norms and media narratives influence perceptions and policies over time.
single-person household, directly involved individuals, external observers, content analysis, topic modeling키워드:
1인 가구, 당사자, 타자, 내용분석, 토픽 모델링Acknowledgments
The study was presented at the 2024 spring conference of the Korean Society for Journalism and Communication Studies(이 연구는 한국언론학회 2024 봄철 정기학술대회에서 발표되었음).
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