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The Korean Society for Journalism & Communication Studies - Vol. 68 , No. 6

[ Article ]
Korean Journal of Journalism & Communication Studies - Vol. 68, No. 3, pp. 83-124
Abbreviation: KSJCS
ISSN: 2586-7369 (Online)
Print publication date 30 Jun 2024
Received 05 Apr 2024 Accepted 27 May 2024 Revised 29 May 2024

어린이 자녀의 영상미디어 시청에 대한 부모의 긍정적 태도와 기대가 자녀의 학습이해도에 미치는 영향 : 부모의 미디어 중재와 지적 호기심의 이중 매개를 중심으로
정유진*** ; 최윤정****
***이화여자대학교 커뮤니케이션·미디어연구소 박사후연구원 (
****이화여자대학교 커뮤니케이션·미디어학부 교수 (

The Influence of Parents’ Positive Attitudes and Expectations toward Children’s Video Media Consumption on Children’s Learning : The Dual Mediating Role of Parental Media Mediation and Epistemic Curiosity
Yoojin Chung*** ; Yun-jung Choi****
***Post-doc Researcher, Communication and Media Research Center, Ewha Womans University, first author (
****Professor, Division of Communication and Media, Ewha Womans University, corresponding author (
Funding Information ▼


본 연구는 어린이의 영상미디어 시청이 학습이해도에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 수행되었다. 어린이의 영상미디어 시청에 결정적 영향을 미치는 부모의 요인 두 가지, 자녀가 미디어 시청으로 인해 인지적, 정서적 성장을 할 것이라고 기대하는 긍정적 태도와 자녀의 미디어 이용을 중재하는 행동(설명적 중재/제한적 중재/공동시청)을 고려하였다. 지적호기심은 새로운 정보 탐색으로 지식수준 향상과 인지적 문제 해결을 하려는 욕구로 정의되고 흥미추구형과 정보갈망형의 두 차원으로 구성되는데, 본 연구는 어린이가 영상미디어를 시청하며 지적호기심이 자극되어 학습이해도에 긍정적 영향을 미칠 것이라고 예측했다. 연구를 위해 만 6~8세의 어린이 자녀를 둔 주양육자 부모 1,020명을 대상으로 온라인 설문조사를 실시했고, 변인들 간의 관계를 확인하기 위하여 연쇄적 매개효과를 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 흥미추구형 지적호기심의 경우 자녀의 미디어 이용에 대한 부모의 긍정적 태도는 공동시청 중재 차원에서만 자녀의 학습이해도에 이중매개 효과를 보였다. 정보갈망형 지적호기심의 경우, 부모의 긍정적 태도는 설명적 중재와 공동시청은 정보갈망형 지적호기심을 이중매개해 학습이해도를 높였다. 그러나 제한적 중재의 경우 같은 경로를 통해 학습이해도에 부정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 어린이의 영상미디어 시청으로 지적호기심이 발달될 수 있음을 확인하였고, 이에 관여하는 부모의 태도와 행동이 모순될 때 자녀의 학습이해도에 부정적 영향을 미치는 경로의 유의성을 확인했다.


This study was conducted to investigate the impact of children's video media consumption on their learning comprehension. Children's media usage is primarily influenced by their parents. This study investigates the effect of parents' positive attitudes regarding their children's video media viewing, as well as parental mediation, which has been extensively explored. Specifically, the independent variable is parents' positive expectations that their children will learn something new and beneficial from watching video media. In addition, the study examines three types of parental mediation strategies—explanatory mediation, restrictive mediation, and co-viewing—as the first mediating variables. These strategies describe distinct parenting practices that influence their children's media use. The study investigates the consequences of parental attitudes and behaviors that either align or conflict. Children are exposed to previously unknown information through video media, which can vary in the degree of epistemic curiosity it stimulates. Epistemic curiosity is defined as the desire to enhance one's knowledge and solve cognitive problems by seeking new information. It consists of two dimensions: intellectual interest type (I-type) and informational deprivation type (D-type). Epistemic curiosity is a well-known predictor of learning comprehension. Both dimensions have a substantial impact on mastery-oriented learning, which involves uncovering new intrinsic interests while also enjoying the learning process. However, only the informational deprivation type of epistemic curiosity is known to significantly influence performance-approach learning that requires prolonged effort. This study hypothesizes that stimulating epistemic curiosity through watching video media will positively affect learning comprehension. It examines the three dimensions of parental mediation and the two dimensions of epistemic curiosity within the research model. An online survey was conducted with 1,020 primary caregivers of children aged 6 to 8 years to test this hypothesis. The study used the Process Macro to analyze the serial mediation effects to verify the relationships among variables. The results showed that for intellectual interest type epistemic curiosity, there was a significant mediating effect only through the co-viewing mediation type. However, serial mediation effects were not significant for any of the parental media mediation types. For informational deprivation type epistemic curiosity, all three media mediation strategies showed significant positive mediation effects on learning comprehension. However, the direction of the effects varied in serial mediation scenarios. Explanatory mediation and co-viewing demonstrated positive double mediation effects on learning comprehension through the informational deprivation type of epistemic curiosity, whereas restrictive mediation showed a negative impact when double-mediated through informational deprivation type epistemic curiosity. This study demonstrates that watching videos can help children develop their epistemic curiosity. It also emphasizes how inconsistent parenting attitudes and behaviors have a substantial negative impact on children's learning comprehension.These findings underscore the importance of aligning parental attitudes and behaviors in fostering children's intellectual development and learning outcomes through media consumption.

KeywordsChildren’s Media Use, Epistemic Curiosity, Parental Mediation, Learning Comprehension
키워드: 어린이의 미디어 이용, 지적호기심, 미디어 중재, 학습이해도


This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea(이 논문은 2020년 대한민국 교육부와 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임)[NRF-2020S1A3A2A02095619].

The study was presented at the 2024 spring conference of the Korean Society for Journalism and Communication Studies(이 연구는 한국언론학회 2024 봄철 정기학술대회에서 발표되었습니다).

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