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The Korean Society for Journalism & Communication Studies - Vol. 68 , No. 4

[ Article ]
Korean Journal of Journalism & Communication Studies - Vol. 68, No. 2, pp. 140-184
Abbreviation: KSJCS
ISSN: 2586-7369 (Online)
Print publication date 30 Apr 2024
Received 01 Dec 2023 Revised 18 Mar 2024 Accepted 27 Mar 2024

라이브커머스, 인플루언서 마케팅, 메타버스 광고는 어떤 이유로 광고인가? : 2030 소비자 대상 혼합 연구 방법의 적용
이혜선** ; 권예지 ; 장시연 ; 이희준***
**서강대학교 미디어융합연구소 선임연구원 (
한국방송광고진흥공사 선임연구위원
한국외국어대학교 미디어커뮤니케이션연구소 미디어데이터랩 연구원
***대구가톨릭대학교 미디어영상광고홍보학부 조교수 (

Do Live Commerce, Influencer Marketing, and Metaverse Advertising Correspond to Advertising? : Application of Mixed Research Methods Targeting Consumers in Their 20s and 30s
Hye-Sun Lee** ; Yeji Kwon ; Siyeon Jang ; Heejun Lee***
**Senior Researcher, Media Convergence Research Institute, Sogang University, first author (
Senior Research Fellow, Korea Broadcast Advertising Corporation
Researcher, Media and Communications Research Institute, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
***Assistant Professor, Department of Advertising & PR, Daegu Catholic University, corresponding author (


본 연구는 디지털 전환 시대에 새로이 등장한 라이브커머스, 인플루언서 마케팅, 메타버스 광고에 주목하여, 각 유형이 광고로 인식되는 이유를 소비자의 인식 중심으로 살펴보았다. 특히 광고를 향한 기존 논의를 라이브커머스, 인플루언서 마케팅, 메타버스 광고로 확장하고, 소비자로부터 수집한 실증 자료를 해당 논의로 수렴시키는 탐색적 연구를 전개해보고자 했다. 라이브커머스, 인플루언서 마케팅, 메타버스 광고를 광고로 인식하게 하는 특징을 파악하기 위해, 삼각 검증법(triangulation)으로 2030 소비자 대상 초점 집단 토론과 설문조사를 진행하였다. 특히 설문조사에는 각 유형을 광고로 생각하는 이유에 관한 개방형 문항을 배치하여, 바이그램 기반 워크트랩 알고리즘으로 주요 단어를 파악한 뒤 주제를 도출하였다. 분석 결과, 라이브커머스를 광고로 인식하게 하는 특징은 ‘제품 설명 및 판매’, ‘홈쇼핑과 비슷한 제품소개’, ‘판매 제품 관련 다양한 정보 제공’, ‘실시간 소통을 통한 설득’, ‘구매 유도’였다. 인플루언서 마케팅은 ‘유명인을 통한 제품 노출 및 홍보’, ‘인플루언서가 사용했다는 영향력’, ‘기존 광고와 유사한 과정 혹은 결과’로 인해 광고로 인식되었고, 메타버스 광고를 광고로 인식하게 하는 특징은 ‘현실 속 제품에 대한 정보 제공’, ‘가상공간 속 홍보’, ‘가상공간의 광고도 광고’, ‘광고는 환경과 무관함’이었다. 이 연구는 광고에 관한 이론적 논의를 라이브커머스, 인플루언서 마케팅, 메타버스 광고라는 새로운 유형으로 확장하고, 각 유형을 광고로 인식하도록 하는 특징을 소비자로부터 수집한 자료에서 도출하였다는 의의를 지닌다.


Advertising constantly evolves due to developments in information technologies, leading to the appearance of new advertising types. Relatively few studies have focused on the expanding discussion about advertising into new types of advertising, although the scope of advertising has important influences in both academic and practical fields. This study explored consumer perceptions focused on live-commerce, influencer marketing, and metaverse advertising. The previous studies suggest five essential elements—paid, nonpersonal, mass-media, identified sponsor, and persuade or influence—to determine whether an activity qualifies as advertising. Until recently, advertising research has developed these elements through theoretical discussions. If the reasons for perceiving three things as advertising apply to the five essential elements, these new types can also contribute to the ongoing discussion about advertising. By drawing from the focus group discussions on a small sample and surveys with open-ended questions conducted, we aimed to explore why individuals perceive these three types as advertising. In the first step of data analysis, we applied text mining to the data collected through surveys with open-ended questions. This study then analyzed the responses from focus group discussions to complement the survey responses, a quantitative data collection method. The analysis results of the survey and focus group discussions converged to confirm why participants perceived three new types of advertising, live commerce, influencer marketing, and metaverse advertising, as advertising. The five reasons (product explanation/sales, the similar product explanation with home shopping, offering information about the selling product, persuasion through real-time communication, and inducing purchase) help us comprehend live-commerce as advertising. The three reasons relevant to influencer marketing (product exposure and promotion by a celebrity, the influence by 'influencer using,' and the similar process/results with existing advertising), and the four reasons relevant to metaverse advertising (information about the product in real-world, the promotion in the metaverse, metaverse 'advertising' is also advertising, and environments do not limit the advertising) were also found. We could categorize these results based on product exposure and purchase inducement. For the participants, the new type of advertising was perceived when they came across products and felt compelled to buy, whether through live-commerce, influencer marketing, or metaverse advertising. The product exposure operates independently of each property, whereas the intrinsic characteristics of novel advertising types relate to purchase inducement. For instance, the participants point out that whatever corresponds to advertising if they expose a product and provide information about it. They also highlight that the new advertising types induce purchase from the inherent characteristics of each type—real-time communication with the host, influencer, and metaverse. This study provides theoretical implications for literature exploring advertising expansion into live commerce, influencer marketing, and metaverse advertising.

KeywordsLive-Commerce, Influencer Marketing, Metaverse Advertising, Walktrap Algorithm, Digital Advertising
키워드: 라이브커머스, 인플루언서 마케팅, 메타버스 광고, 워크트랩 알고리즘, 디지털 광고


Data were collected by the research project ‘Examining the new areas of advertising in the digital transformation age’ from Korea Broadcast Advertising Corporation. The authors acknowledge the three reviewers for their advice in making this article more advanced(본 연구에 사용된 자료는 2022년 한국방송광고진흥공사의 연구과제 ‘디지털 트랜스포메이션 시대 광고의 새로운 영역 검토 방안’을 통해 수집하였습니다. 발전된 논문이 될 수 있도록 조언해 주신 심사위원분들에게 감사드립니다).

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